Events Archive

Place: Seminar Hall at 1st floor in Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19 B, Espoo, Finland
Date and Time: Jan 22nd 2014, from 9:00 am to 18:30 pm

This hackathon event is targeted to electronics hobbyists. The event participants will work in teams of 2 to 3 persons to build a simple switched-mode power supply (SMPS) buck converter-based LED driver. The development environment is ELL-i, an Arduino compatible Power-over-Ethernet platform. More advanced participants may build their own SMPS designs, e.g. to drive solenoids or motors. The goal of this hackathon is to learn or apply basic skills for building your own smartly powered devices.

ELL-i is an Open Source hardware and software platform for intelligent Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) devices. ELL-i provides both makers and professionals with open source software, schematics, layouts, and instructions for designing and building PoE-powered, intelligent, wire line-communicating devices. Due to the wire line communication, ELL-i devices are typically fixed into buildings or embedded into non-movable things. As ELL-i is based on Power-over-Ethernet, the highest voltage used is 48V DC, which is regulated as an extra low voltage (ELV). That means that a lay person may work with ELL-i safely, while still being able to handle non-trivial amounts of power.

ELL-i is a member of EIT ICT Labs Business Development Accelerator and supported by EIT ICT Labs.

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform. For more information please refer to

Agenda of the day:

9am                 Welcome, intro, divide into teams

10:00am          Working in teams to learn the basics, with help from the tutors

12:30pm          Lunch break (at your own cost)

13:30pm          “Further instructions lecture”

14:30pm          Work in teams continues [afternoon tasks]

18:30pm          Wrap-up of the event, return the borrowed equipment

Prerequisites for the participants

In order to get full benefit of the day the event organizers set some prerequisites for the participants. Participants can work in small teams. Each team should collectively have knowledge about the following topics:

·       Good understanding of basic analog electronics, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors (including FETs). Especially understanding the time-dynamic behavior of inductors is an advantage.

·       Basic-level understanding and preferably some experience of writing low-level embedded program code in C (or C++.)  At minimum, you should understand that when writing programs for embedded systems, the standard C functions and system calls, such as strlen, read, and write, are not available, and have some kind of an idea what is typically used instead.

·       Basic command line knowledge

·       At least some experience on using an oscilloscope.

·       Preferably prior experience with Arduino or Arduino-compatible systems.


  • Participants need to bring their own Linux or Mac OS X computer with a USB port and a Ethernet port (one per group)
  • A list of equipment provided by the event organizers is provided at In addition to this, you can bring your own equipment as per needed.


Please register here. ELL-i hackathon welcomes up to 25 participants in the order of registration.


For more information please contact the organizers:

 Teemu Hakala     +358 (0) 44 347 1836
 Eero Hakala    

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