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Trento Node core partners Engineering and Trento RISE inaugurate ESTRO "Engineering Society and Territory Research Office", the research laboratory for the development of innovative models in the context of the international network of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. More than thirty highly qualified researchers will work at the ESTRO laboratory.

The event will take place on Monday, 16 January 2012 at 11:30 am in the headquarters of Trento RISE in via Sommarive 18, Povo Trento, on the 2nd floor of the North Building, Room 102.

Lorenzo Dellai, President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Michele Cinaglia, Chairman of Engineering, and Fausto Giunchiglia, Chairman of Trento RISE, will be present to address the theme of "Innovation, Prospects and Opportunities for ICT in Trentino".

Stefano De Panfilis, Engineering's chief innovation officer, will introduce a Round Table on "Public-Private Partnerships as a lever for territorial development (the local, national and European dimensions)". Angelo Marino of the European Commission, Giordano Tamanini, President of Innovative and Technological Services of Confindustria Trento, Roberto Saracco, Trento Node Director, Dario Avallone, Director of Research and Development at Engineering Group, Paolo Traverso, CEO of Trento Rise, and Riccardo Pietrabissa, Head of CNR's ICT Department, will participate.

- Inauguration of the ESTRO laboratory,says Dario Avallone, Director of Research and Development at Engineering, offers the opportunity to reinforce the links already in place with local realities and to enhance competencies through the creation of a public-private research centre.In fact, the centre aims for recognition as a national and European pole of excellence through joint work on various issues.
- In this sense, a first test will be common work on technologies for next-generation search engines. The CUbRIK project, an important initiative in this area, is an example of how such European Commission-financed collaboration between Engineering and Trento RISE can be effective.

About 350 researchers and innovation specialists of the group are currently working in different laboratories on over thirty research projects in collaboration with an international network of over 150 academic and industrial partners. ESTRO is a further important milestone in this direction.

-The inauguration of the ESTRO laboratory at Trento RISE confirms the will of the Autonomous Province of Trento to become a territorial leader in innovation, and at the top even in the ICT sector, in line with the objectives of Europe 2020, says Fausto Giunchiglia, Chairman of Trento RISE.
- This shows once again that the Trentino model of partnership between public and private is a successful model and an extraordinary lever for local development.

According to Paolo Traverso, CEO of Trento RISE, working alongside important industrial partners such as Engineering is essential for transforming our small autonomous community into a knowledge economy, that is an economy of knowledge serving as a laboratory for Italian and foreign companies, to the benefit of Trentino families and businesses. The fact that Trento is home to the sixth full EIT ICT node greatly increases the attractiveness of Trentino on all fronts, and ESTRO is the proof.

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Co-Funded by the European Union