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Brush up on your marketing skills? Join a two-day master Class in Entrepreneurial Marketing, in Berlin. With Harvard Business School's Rajiv Lal.

It is often said that Entrepreneurial Marketing is both a mind-set and a process. It is a mind-set because entrepreneurs are relentless in their pursuit of opportunity and gathering of resources needed to make the most of it.

The process is one where the entrepreneur has a clear vision of what the customer will want in the future but goes through a systematic process of measured experiments designed to test and improve on the vision.


Starting with a lecture on ‘What is Marketing,’ we will spend the first day exploring these issues through three cases: Dr. John’s Products Ltd., Calyx & Corolla and Aqualisa. The day will end with a session summarising the lessons learnt and how they are applicable to the entrepreneurs present in class, and discuss the challenges faced by attendants.

The second day is about the biggest challenge facing most entrepreneurial ventures in technology: what is described by Geoffrey Moore as ‘Crossing the Chasm.’ Illustrated by how and why several companies fail because they do not understand the difference between visionaries as early adopters and pragmatists who are the mainstay of a sustainable business.

Each session will require participants to work in groups for 30 minutes before a 90 minute plenary session for each case.

Date and location

This Master Class takes place in the Co-Location Centre in Berlin, on Monday, June 30th and Tuesday, July 1st, 2014.


To apply for this Master Class, please contact the local Business Developer in your node.

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Co-Funded by the European Union