Events Archive

  The European Business Process Management round table is the premier venue for researchers and practitioners to meet and discuss the latest trends in European Business Process Management. 

It clearly shows that the various round tables spread over Europe managed to successfully connect universities, software vendors, consultants, and end-users. EIT ICT Labs is supporting the consolidation of successful national BPM round tables into one single European Business Process Management round table where experiences can be exchanged, knowledge can be transferred, and new initiatives can be initiated at the European level. 


During the special meeting of the European BPM Round Table on November 5th 2012, internationally well-known researchers, together with representatives of the companies they cooperate with, will present their joint work. The presentations will show experiences in transferring state-of-the-art BPM research results to practical applications. Moreover, the presenters will discuss important challenges that urgently need to be addressed by the BPM community.


Over the past two decades, BPM technologies have caused radical changes in the way in which organisations work. Nowadays, many organisations work in a process-oriented manner and use BPM software and techniques to make their daily operations more effective and efficient and to fundamentally rethink their processes. 



> 8:45 hrs:    Arrival & Registration

> 9:15 hrs:    Opening by Hajo Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology - Perceptive Software

> 9:25 hrs:    "Opportunities for evidence-based Clinical Decision Support Systems: An application for Oncology" by Yaron Denekamp, Clalit Health Services/Technion, Israel & Arturo González Ferrer, University of Haifa, Israel

> 10:15 hrs:  Coffee Break

> 10:30 hrs:  "From Theory to Practice - A Decade of BPM Research & Development in the Automotive Domain: Challenges, Solutions, Project Examples" by Joachim Herbst, Markus Hipp, Daimler AG, Germany & Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany

> 11:20 hrs:  "Eventification: Extraction of Process Execution Logs from Operational Databases" by Marco Aimar, Opera21 Group SpA, Italy & Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy

> 12:10 hrs:  Lunch


> 13:30 hrs:  "Semantic Business Process Management - Insights from Modeling Practice and Empirical Assessment of Weakness Patterns for Analysis" by Johannes Schwall, PICTURE GmbH, Germany & Patrick Delfmann, Michael Rackers, University of Muenster, Germany

> 14:20 hrs:  "Guideline Compliance for Skin Cancer Treatment Processes: The Evidence-based Medical Compliance Cluster (EBMC2)" by Stefanie Weber, Medical University of Vienna, Austria & Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria

> 15:10 hrs:  Coffee Break


> 15:30 hrs:  "The future of BPM Technology: Mines, green fields, and clouds" by John Hoogland, Perceptive Software, The Netherlands & Wil van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

> 16:20 hrs: Closing remarks by Hajo Reijers

> 16:30  Reception



You are cordially invited to join this special meeting. There are no fees involved, but we would like to ask you to register via (for logistic purposes). 
The special meeting of the European BPM Round Table on November 5th 2012 will take place in the "Zwarte Doos" at the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). See for directions.

The European Business Process Management round table is composed of more than 20 national Business Process Management ((BPM)round tables; see for the list of organisations involved. 



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Co-Funded by the European Union