In our everyday life we are constantly stimulated by what our senses convey: sounds, colors, sensations, images and smells. Research requires a lot of study and commitment, but also something more instinctive. Researchers follow their senses combined with their own instinct (the sixth sense) to get the desired results.
The Italian node of EIT Digital will participate in the Researcher’s Night 2015, with two activities. “Bridging the Gap between Research and Innovation in the Data Economy” that will present the role of the Business Development Accelerator activities in supporting entrepreneurs. The second activity will present the “Start Up Lab”, the innovative learning experience offered to EIT Digital Master and Doctoral students, focused on customer centric creativity, idea generation, business idea optimization.
Researcher’s Night will be held at the Trento Fiere, on Friday 25 September 2015 from 5pm.
Click here for the programme (in Italian).