Events Archive

The Trento node is pleased to announce that the 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2012) will be held in Trento, Italy.

Wireless sensor networks are increasingly at the forefront of ICT, supporting Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things scenarios, with applications notably including intelligent transport systems, smart cities and buildings, environmental monitoring, and process control, to name a few.

EWSN is the premier venue in Europe, and one of the most important worldwide, for research and practitioners working on wireless sensor networks and their applications. The program for this year includes 2 tutorials, a keynote and 16 research papers, and a poster/demo session with over 40 contributions. More information at the ESWN website.

This year, thanks to sponsorship by Trento RISE, EWSN 2012 will provide scholarships reserved to students (Master's or PhD) who are from institutions belonging to the EIT ICTLabs. Each scholarship covers one full conference registration and one registration to a tutorial, plus up to 700 EUR in support for accommodation and travel. Click here for more information about the scholarships - the deadline for scholarship application is January 25, 2012.

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Co-Funded by the European Union