Events Archive


The workshop will be held at Helsinki on 24-25 October, 2012.


The E&LLs Catalyst Team will give participants the opportunity of sharing and discussing best practice on Living Labs operations. Also, a framework for managing Experience and Living Labs as “Open facilities” capable of leveraging existing assets, will be presented and discussed. Participants will be given an active role for contributing with valuable inputs to the Catalyst.

Who can/should attend?

All EIT ICT Labs partners can join the event. Not to be missed by all the KIC partners who are making use of the E&LLs Catalyst.


October 24, Wednesday

2.00 pm | Introductory session

Intro by Fabio Pianesi, Lead of the Experience and Living Labs Catalyst. Presentation of the Catalyst Team, activities and available services.

Keynote by Jarmo Eskelinen, President of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). The importance of networked Living Labs, future challenges, and vision towards the future.

3.00 pm | Best practices on Living Lab key-principles in Living Lab operations 

Introduction to Living Lab Key principles by PhD. Anna Ståhlbröst, Living Lab researcher at Luleå University of Technology /Botnia Living Lab. 

Participants are divided into groups and work together on identifying their best-practices on Living Lab operations based upon one of the Living Lab principles. A best-practice template is used. Best practices are then discussed and validated in plenary.

Session chaired by Annika Sällström, Luleå University of Technology /Botnia Living Lab.

October 25, Thursday

9.00 am | Working models for Open Living Labs

Open Experience and Living Labs: concept and working model by Nicola Doppio, Trento Rise

Brief presentations of real cases:

  • Botnia Living Lab by Annika Sällström, Botnia Living Lab
  • Heerlen Living Lab by Mark Melenhorst, Novay
  • Trento Territorial Labs by Andrea Grianti, Trento Rise

10.00 am |  Just do it! Try out the Open E&LL business model generator by the Catalyst team

Participants are divided into groups and work together in making use of a business modeling tool  for designing business-cases for Open Experience and Living Labs. 

The tool is designed both for established Living Labs, as well as for user-centric research related carrier projects.

Session chaired by Nicola Doppio, Trento Rise.

11.45 am |  Wrap up


Room A106, Building n.30
Aalto University Campus - Dept. Computer Science and Engineering
Adress: Konemiehentie 2, Espoo


For further information please contact Nicola Doppio 

Registration online

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Co-Funded by the European Union