Events Archive

How to push research boundaries and gain competitive edge

EIT ICT Labs' project fanTaaStic joins forces with CI-FIRE for a dynamic, interactive workshop in Paris to foster the sustainable use of FIRE test facilities, for education, research or business. The workshop explores opportunities for the uptake of large-scale test beds and platforms across a broad range of applications, services and technologies for the Future Internet.

The workshop focuses on practical information sharing between EIT ICT Labs' stakeholders and the FIRE community to increase awareness on the supply and demand landscape. It offers a how-to approach on using ICT test facilities to support the validation of new products and services, including what to expect, planning, get started and pitfalls to avoid.

Who is it for?

  • Innovative thinkers from startups, high-tech SMEs and large businesses and forward-thinking academics and researchers from higher education and research institutions.
  • Developers and providers of FIRE and national test facilities, pushing the boundaries in Future Internet technologies.

Expected outcome

  • Getting to grips with FIRE test facilities, opportunities available and benefits of coming on board.
  • Learning how to transform your ambitious and innovative ideas into new products and services by testing and validating them on advanced ICT facilities.
  • Seeing how the FanTaaStic project is leading the way towards sustainable FIRE and ICT test facilities.
  • Gaining insights into EIT ICT Labs, its strategic agenda 2014-2016 and its collaboration with FIRE.
  • Networking with innovation champions from companies, large and small.

A draft agenda is available at

Registration needed
This workshop is free of charge but subject to registration. Registration is now open through this link.

Workshop location
Zamansky Tower (La Tour Zamansky)
Jussieu Tower, 24th (top) floor, room 24-00, 4,
place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

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Co-Funded by the European Union