Events Archive

Finnish DTC Organises Opportunity Recognition Module

Time: November 28, 10:00 - December 2, 13:00, 2016.

Place: EIT Digital, Helsinki Co-Location Centre, Maarintie 6, 02510 ESPOO, Finland

The Helsinki Doctoral Training Centre of EIT Digital is proud to organise Opportunity Recognition module for the doctoral students enrolled to the Doctoral School of EIT Digital, Aalto University, and University of Helsinki doctoral students. The Opportunity Recognition module is part of the EIT Digital Doctoral School Innovation&Entrepreneurship Education track. After the module, the student is able to identify ideas for new businesses and analyze the feasibility of the idea. The number of the participants to the module is limited to 12.

The module teaches the participants to:

  • Understand and have first-hand experience on recognition of a business opportunity, designing initial concept (product, service) design and start business modeling process;
  • Identify from their research what could produce new business, and relate this to innovation and business solutions answering customer/society/industry problems/needs;
  • Validate the opportunity recognition by real world market data.

The teaching method in the module is active and case-based, complemented with applied lectures. A pre-assignment is given to the participants.

The tentative schedule of the module is following:

Monday, November 28, 2016: 09:15-16:30

  • Basic concepts and business vocabulary
  • Reflection on pre-assignments
  • Identifying business idea based on incremental and radical innovation
  • Building and testing a business model based an idea
  • Case exercise and basic guidelines how to proceed with it

Tuesday, November 29, 2016: 09:00-16:30

  • How to pitch an idea
  • Different parts on innovation and business development process

Wednesday, November 30, 2016: 09:00-16:30 (In Slush conference in Exhibition and Convention Center of Helsinki)

  • Pitching exercises
  • Validation of business idea through customer interfacing

Thursday, December 1, 2016: 09:00-16:30 (In Slush conference in Exhibition and Convention Center of Helsinki)

  • Validation of business idea through customer interfacing

Friday, December 2, 2016: 09:00-16:00

  • Early customer identification
  • Managing and protecting the IPRs
  • Presentations based on the case assignment work
  • Feedback


Register here

The participants accepted to the course are sent a separate consent form to be signed to get a ticket to enter Slush. The deadline for registration is October 15, 2016.

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Co-Funded by the European Union