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Build a project and apply for the Business Incubation Program by Digital Factory, Budapest. Spring 2015 by CEED Tech

The EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group is pleased to announce the first ‘FIWARE Hackathon' concept. The setup of the event is the modified version of the traditional hackathon concept to accomodate the introduction of the FIWARE General Enables (GEs) in the ideation process.

In the past years the European Commission gathered a large number of software solutions developed by various market participants and corporations. The goal of gathering these software solutions was to prepare a library of tools which then can be used by ICT startups and SMEs in the EU.

These software solutions are called ’generic enablers'. These solutions are often used by startups and SMEs in software development. Most of the time these firms do develop the solutions again and again, wasting development capacity, time, energy and money.

The point about assembling a catalog of large number of such generic enablers is to provide ready-made software solutions to SMEs and startups and hence accelerating their software development. Each of the Generic Enablers (GEs) are open source, so they can be adjusted to individual needs.


29 - 30 November, 2014


EIT ICT Labs Co-Location Centre, 1117, Budapest, Bogdánfy utca 10/a (corner of Bogdánfy u. and Warga L. u.)

NOTE: Before you apply for the Hackathon you have to familiarize yourself with GEs. Please read upon the GE-related links belowand develop your idea or concept accordingly.


DAY 1 - Nov 29, Saturday AM-PM, EIT ICT Labs Budapest Co-Location Centre

  • What are the GEs and how to use them in a project (EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group and Digital Factory)
  • FIWARE idea presentations - participating idea owners
  • Introduction by (other) technical participants - unless presented above
  • Participants form teams and select ideas
  • Team registration with organizers
  • Teams work on ideas
  • Closing

DAY 2 - Nov 30, Sunday, AM - Presentation and assessment, EIT ICT Labs Budapest Co-Location Centre

  • FIWARE Hackathon teams present their ideas (containing GEs) in the form of a presentation - EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group and Digital Factory panel evaluates presentations and projects.

Teams with the best presentations and projects are selected for the shortlist to be included in the CEED Tech Business Incubation Program at Digital Factory.

About the Business Incubation Program at Digital Factory

Apply today if you are developing a software/application with global market and fast scaling potential. Each team accepted to the incubator will receive initial seed financing in total €10,000 to €30,000. In addition, promising companies, who have proved the viability and market potential of their product idea through the program will receive follow-up funding of €100,000.

Digital Factory is backed by private investors and the European Commission, which enables us to offer unique access to financing, mentorship and FIWARE technologies. Use of at least one of the open source generic enablers developed by FIWARE partners is an eligibility criteria.

More information

For more info about FIWARE and the incubation process please visit the following websites:

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Co-Funded by the European Union