Events Archive

Carlo Pompili, CEO of Telcred

The story of a serial entrepreneur

Don’t miss the first Friday morning talk at Stockholm CLC on October 10th when Carlo Pompili, CEO and co-founder of Telcred will share his long experience as an entrepreneur, investor and consultant. You can expect a personal perspective on what entrepreneurship is all about and get some useful tips if you are thinking of starting your own venture.

The talk starts at 09.30 but you are welcome to early and have some coffee, tea and something sweet. For catering and administrational purposes please sign up here, at latest 7th October.

We look forward to seeing you here!

Stockholm Node team

About Telcred and Carlo Pompili

Carlo Pompili has worked with new business creation in the Information Technology and Telecom industries for 15 years as an entrepreneur, investor and consultant. Prior to starting Telcred in 2009 he was responsible for product management at the niche mobile phone operator Nordisk Mobiltelefon (currently Net 1) and before that he was responsible for business development at SICS - Swedish Institute of Computer Science. From 1997 to 2003 he co-founded and was a partner in Real Venture Group, an early stage investment company focusing on mobile Internet applications. Carlo holds a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Chalmers University of Technology.

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Co-Funded by the European Union