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Dr. Roberto Riggio

Dr. Roberto Riggio

The EIT Digital Stockholm CLC welcome all who are interested in this topic to come and listen to guest speaker Dr Roberto Riggio on Friday Nov 20th at 13.30.


The progressive process of network softwarization is set to play a pivotal role in fifth generation mobile networks (5G). In this context the network–as–a–service business model shall allow operators to tap into new revenue streams by further abstracting the physical network into service specific slices possibly operated by different mobile virtual network operators (MVNO).

The envisioned vertical applications range from high–definition video delivery to machine–to–machine applications and e–health. In order to cope with the diverse range of requirements that sprout for such use cases, future wireless and mobile network will further rely on virtualized resources and on dynamic service orchestration solutions.

In order to satisfy the diverse requirements imposed by future network services, MVNOs must be allowed to deploy custom resource allocation schemes within their virtual radio nodes while the system shall both enforce strict performance isolation between MVNOs and ensure efficient resource utilization across the network. During this presentation we shall discuss the challenges associated with the VNF placement and scheduling problems in the radio access network (RAN) domain.


Dr. Roberto Riggio is currently Senior Researcher staff member in the Future Networks team at CREATE-NET, Italy, and Guest Lecturer at the University of Trento, Italy. He received a PhD in Communications Engineering from University of Trento, Italy, in 2008.

His research interests include performance isolation in multi-tenant data-centers and mobile networks; software defined mobile networking and deep programmable mobile networks. He was, or is, involved in several European Projects including three 5G-PPP projects (COHERENT, SESAME, X-Haul) and has directly generated more than 1 M€ in competitive funding.

Dr. Riggio has 2 granted patents on network virtualization and has published more than 60 papers in internationally refereed journals and conferences. He serves in the TPC of leading conferences in the networking field, including IEEE NOMS 2016, IEEE NoF, IEEE IM, IEEE NFV-SDN, IEEE NetSoft, IEEE QCMAN, IEEE ManSDN/NFV, EWSDN, and IEEE ManFI.

He is associate editor for the Wiley International Journal of Network Management and Editor for the Spring Wireless Networks journal. He is the co-founder of the IEEE workshop on Software Defined 5G Networks (Soft5G) and of the IEEE Workshop on Management of 5G Networks (5GMan). He is a member of the ACM and of IEEE.

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Co-Funded by the European Union