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What motivates and inspires company founders and what keeps them successful for the long run? What politics, education, investors, accelerators, consultants and the entrepreneurs by themselves can do for increasing the sustainable success of a start-up? At the conference " From Idea to Start Up" politicians, entrepreneurs, students and investors will discuss and network. The international conference is a joined event of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, hub:raum Berlin, SRH University Berlin and EIT ICT Labs Germany.


21 Winterfeldtstraße 

10781 Berlin



Monday, November 3, 2014
from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm (PST)


Please register here.


09.30 am : Registration/Welcome coffee

10.00 am: Official Opening

  • Peter Borchers, Head of Hub:raum
  • Dr. Petra Bahr, Head of Department Politics and Consulting, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
  • Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès, SRH University Berlin
  • Dr. Udo Bub, Managing Director of EIT ICT Labs Germany

10.30 am: Keynote:

"Start up Culture and Entrepreneurship and how economic policy addresses this topic" by Markus Pieper MdEP (Chairman of the PKM Europe within the European Parliament, tbc)

11.00 am: Survey presentation and Q&A session

"Global Start up stories: A spotlight on fascinating young entrepreneurs" - a KAS/SRH Project presentation of survey and book with Q&A by Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès and team, Program Director, International Communication Management at SRH University Berlin

11.15 am: Panel discussion I: Key factors of success and failure: Starting up at a glance

  • Michael Brandkamp, High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
  • Christian Burmester, Director Sparkasse Aachen Savings Bank
  • Peter Langmar, Founder and CEO of Brickflow
  • Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès, SRH University Berlin
  • Lars Zimmermann
  • Matthias Schäfer, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. (Moderation)

12.15 pm: Lunch break

01.15 pm: Early Stage Contest of European Entrepreneurs

What the contest is about?

  • Peter Borchers, Head of Hub:raum
  • Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès, Head of IISM Institute, SRH University Berlin
  • Dr. Udo Bub, Managing Director, EIT ICT Labs Germany
  • Matthias Schäfer, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. (Moderation)

What German politics and the EU are doing to enhance entrepreneurship?

  • Dr. Philipp Murmann MdB
  • Michael Vollprecht (European Commission Berlin Office, tbc)

Elevator pitches by the 3 contest finalists followed by the audience decision about award

02.00 pm: Start workshop session/World Cafés with inspirational Statements by

  • Dr. Fabian Heilemann, Sky & Sand
  • Andreas Winiarski, Rocket Internet
  • Thomas Jarzombek MdB
  • Dr. Philipp Murmann MdB

02.30 pm: 4 parallel workshop session

  • What can politics do? (networks, education…) with Dr. Philipp Murmann MdB, Martina Neef, Rockitbiz and Dr. Udo Bub, Managing Director, SRH University Berlin
  • What can investors do? with Florian Steger, Senior Investment Manager bei hub:raum)
  • What about global trends? with Maximilian von der Ahé (Betahaus Coworking Berlin)
  • Having been an early bird: What is next? with Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès, Dr. Renè Latotzky and Dr. Markus Wiedemann (Zirngibl Langwieser)

Presentation of workshop results

04.00 pm: Coffee break

04:30 pm: Keynote

  • "Start up Culture– Politics for new ideas" with Thomas Heilmann (Senator for Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection Berlin, tbc)

5.00 pm: Panel discussion II: How to motivate more people to found?

  • Felix Klühr, Founder and CEO QLearning
  • Dr. Gerd Neumes, Leiter Schul- und Leistungssportzentrum Berlin
  • Christoph Speckmann, Master Entrepreneurship SRH University Berlin, Co-Founder
  • Corinna Trips, Representative (Junior Chamber International Germany)
  • Martina Neef, Rockitbiz Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès, SRH University Berlin (Moderation)

6.00 pm: Presentation of Audience Award and Conclusion

6:30 pm: Get together

For further information please contact:
Maren Lesche, Marketing & Communications Manager EIT ICT Labs Germany ( or +49-30-34506690-140)

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Co-Funded by the European Union