Events Archive

Workshop From Idea to Value - May 27th 

Venue TU Eindhoven campus / Zwarte Doos

No loss. Only Win. Time for Action: Registration closed

Do you know that feeling that you have a valuable idea, an innovative breakthrough, that you keep for your dreams because you don't know the way to put it into business? Wel, this is good news for you. EIT ICT Labs offers you in collaboration with the Technical University Eindhoven a way to find out! This is the workshop From Idea to Value for TU/e students and friends with an entrepreneurial heart and a passion to bring ideas into innovation. 


From Idea to Value is a 1-day workshop in which you will get a perspective on the means and the crucial issues related to transforming Ideas into Value. Protecting intellectual property is one of the topics covered, but we look also at some of the issues related to initiating new ventures, either as an entrepreneur starting a new company or as an entrepreneur starting a new profitable business within an enterprise.


You will get insights from entrepreneurs and experienced business developers on a wide range of subjects ranging from patenting, access to finance, and marketing brilliant ideas.


Honorary chairman: Harold Weffers (LaQuSo, TU/e)

09.30h – 10.00 hrs:  Welcome coffee & Registration 
10.00h – 10.15 hrs:  Welcome & Opening 
                                  Sandro Etalle (TU/e) & Harold Weffers (LaQuSo, TU/e)

10.15h – 11.00 hrs:  "Opening"  by Steef Blok (Innovation Lab, TU/e) 
11.00h – 11.10 hrs:  Discussion

11.10h – 11.55 hrs:  “Writing patents” by Boris Skoric (Security, TU/e)
11.55h – 12.05 hrs:  Questions
12.05h – 12.15 hrs:  Discussion

> 12.15h – 13.30h:  Lunch

13.30h – 14.15 hrs:  “Success story” by .Jan-Kees Buenen (SynerScope)
14.15h – 14.25 hrs:  Discussion

> 14.25h – 14.55 hrs: Coffee

14.55h – 15.40 hrs:  Presentation by Christopher McLachlan (Essent BV)
15.40h – 15.50 hrs:  Discussion

15.50h - 16.35 hrs:  “Access to Finance”, Ewit Roos (BrightMove)
16.35h – 16.50 hrs:  Discussion

> 16.50 hrs: Networking Cocktail

More information? Contact: Jolande Matthijsse

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Co-Funded by the European Union