Events Archive

Date: November 7-8, 2011

Venue: EIT ICT Labs Co-Location Centre, Espoo, Finland [Otaniementie 17, room Odeion]

The workshop brings together researchers working on various key areas of future networking, with focus on basic challenges and mathematical tools for overcoming them. Its aim is to facilitate interaction between innovation in networking and research on related theoretical ideas and problems. It is open and free for all interested.

Please register the latest on Monday, October 31 here

Contact: Ilkka Norros (VTT),, +358 40 5636628

Directions to the co-location centre



8:30 Registration open

9:00 Opening and welcome

Helsinki Node director Marko Turpeinen will give an introductory talk on EIT ICT Labs.

Session 1: Future wireless access

9:15 Mikael Gustafsson (Nokia): Cognitive Radio: Vision and Research Challenges

9:45 Alexandre Proutiere (KTH): Spectrum exploration in cognitive radio systems

10:15 Niek Bouman (TU Eindhoven): Backlog-based random access in wireless networks: fluid limits and delay issues

10:45 Coffee break

Session 2: Self-organization in ad hoc and cellular networks

11:15 Riku Jäntti (Aalto University): Interference management between wireless systems

11:45 Francois Baccelli (INRIA): Self-optimization of large CSMA networks

12:15 Slawomir Stanczak (Fraunhofer): Trends and advances in the theory of self-organizing cellular wireless networks

12:45 Lunch break

Session 3: Networking for Internet of Things

13:45 Sasu Tarkoma (University of Helsinki): IoT: Internet of Things programme: Vision and research challenges

14:15 Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide (University of Paderborn): Local self-organizing strategies for robotic formation problems

14:45 Coffee break

15:15 Simon Duquennoy (SICS): Towards energy-proportionality in t

Internet of Things

15:45 Onno Boxma (TU Eindhoven): On queues with vacations

16:30-17:30 Parallel discussion and innovation meetings on topics of sessions 1-3


Session 4: Network structures and architectures

9:00 Ludovic Noirie (Alcatel-Lucent): Industrial research topics for future network architectures and technologies - case of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France

9:30 Sander Dommers (TU Eindhoven): Distances in preferential attachment graphs

10:00 Jari Saramäki (Aalto University): Temporal networks of human interactions

10:30 Coffee break

Session 5: Distributed content delivery

11:00 Petri Savolainen (HIIT): Experimental research on distributed content delivery systems

11:30 Samuli Aalto (Aalto University): How impatience affects the performance and scalability of P2P video-on-demand systems

12:00 Hannu Reittu (VTT): Peer-to-peer streaming and related graphs

12:30 Lunch break

Session 6: Networking for context-aware applications

13:30 Samuel Kaski (Aalto University): Proactive contextual information retrieval

14:00 Jacques Resing (TU Eindhoven): Queueing models with synchronized services or abandonments

14:30 Jorma Virtamo (Aalto University): Opportunistic content sharing: when does the content float?

15:00 Coffee break

15:15-16:15 Parallel discussion and innovation meetings on topics of sessions 4-6

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Co-Funded by the European Union