Events Archive

 Warmly welcome to the Future Networking Solutions 2016 preparation workshop. The goal of the workshop is to 1) Share information on the Future Networking Solutions action line focus areas and call 2016 topics and 2) Present the partners' proposals and discuss on potential collaboration possibilities between the partners. 

Future Networking Solutions 2016 Call preparation workshop is open for the EIT ICT Labs Partner Organizations & SMEs. 


11th March, 2015


09:00 - 16:00


Milano CLC - CEFRIEL, Via Renato Fucini 2, 20133 Milano, Italy

Agenda Wednesday 11th March, 2015 

Roberto Saracco
 Node Director, EIT ICT Labs Italy
General intro ICT labs, background w o w etc 
Henrik Abramowicz
 Action Line Leader
Future Networking Solutions focus areas according to Business Plan
Raoul Stubbe
 Business Development
Business setting for Future Networking Solutinos
Roberto / HenrikGeneral information about call process (See Intranet for details)
HenrikExamples of some previous or ongoing projects 
 Presentations from participants on potentials projects
 Partner Event in Trento
Marianne Loor
 Marcom Manager
Future Networking Solutions Marketing and Communication


Presenting your idea

Want to present your idea in the workshop? Download the template with instructions for the presentation here: Presentation Template and send the slide (.ppt format) to the action line leader ( by March 9th, 2015.


Please use the following link to register by March 9th: Registration link
Participation is free of charge but registration is required for administration and catering purposes.

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