Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs’ Action Line Health and Wellbeing will organise for the 2nd time an end-of-year event to showcase the results of its activities. To reach a broad audience for this end-of-year event, it will be co-organised with Jakajima the organiser of the yearly Health Tech events at the High Tech Campus. Venue: Conference Centre of the High Tech Campus Eindhoven. On 9 December.

Next to the EIT ICT Labs Healt and Wellbeing community, the event is accessible for academic and non-academic hospitals, research institutions, universities, insurance companies, system integrators, service providers, operators / ISP’s, hardware manufacturers, software developers, venture capital, financial industry, design companies, IP / legal and regulation bodies.

The Health Tech Event is an event with the emphasis on development and cooperation in the areas of technology in health care; sensors, components, devices, systems and services. 

Seminar and Exhibition

To kick-off the day, 2 excellent and inspiring keynotes will be held for the audience. Professor Henrik Hautop Lund, head of Center for Playware at the Technical University of Denmark and director of Entertainment Robotics will  formulate the answer on How you can turn research on play into products with dramatic health effects’.. Henrik Hautio will be followed by Keith Baker, Director for Divisional Partnerships of Philips Group Innovation, Research. Keith will show us what we can expect in future as his topic is: ‘What’s after Lifestyle 6.0? Samhitha Udupa, Senior Consultant at Lux Research, will bring up the rear with trend watching ongoing intelligence of emerging technologies. Right after the keynotes the seminar delegates have the chance to join the discussion with the keynote speakers from 12:00 -12:30 hrs.

At 12:30-13:30 hrs there will be a networking lunch at the exhibition floor. After the lunch a broad spectrum of topics will be covered in the parallel sessions such as EIT ICT Labs Innovation activities, Health Tech Challenges in Business and Law, EIT ICT Labs startups and their business cases, Connected Health Tech products & services.

A focal point at Health Tech event will be the exhibition area where a line-up of EIT ICT Labs booths showcase results with achievements and demonstrations. Additional space is dedicated as Start-up Plaza where beginning entrepreneurs get the chance to present their product, service or concept. 

More information on the programme go to the Health Tech Event website.

First to come first to serve. Health Tech Event, 9 December, in the Conference Centre, High Tech Campus, Eindhoven. EIT ICT Labs partners have free entrance to the Health Tech Event 2014. To enjoy this: REGISTER HERE



Health Tech Event organised by EIT ICT Labs' Action Line Health and Wellbeing and Jakajima
9 December - whole day event
Conference Centre, High Tech Campus, Eindhoven
The Netherlands
 No entrance fee for EIT ICT Labs partners.

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Co-Funded by the European Union