Events Archive

Thie Health & Wellbeing PDEng Winterschool is a 1-week winter school program scheduled for 26-30 November 2012. It is a collaboration of the TU/e and Imperial College London under the umbrella of EIT ICT Labs. Imperial College London will be a joint partner for future collaboration as well. 

This winter school is a 1-week “Entrepreneurship in e-Health” at TU/e between 26-30th November 2012.  The week will allow students and faculty at TU/e and Imperial to network, exchange ideas, and learn from one another.  Furthermore, there are invited presenters from industry to complement course content gained from instructors, also allowing students and faculty to network with and learn from them, as well.

There will be lectures on: developing a business idea from inception to business case (including how to make a business idea sustainable); finance and venture capitalism; marketing and sales; IP; and presentation techniques.  A speaker from a healthcare start-up company will present his experience and be available to answer questions and offer suggestions as students work in groups toward developing their business plans.  There will also be a visit to a company in Eindhoven (e.g., Phillips, or a healthcare start-up – TBD). In order to generate new business opportunities, the participants will be asked to prepare an initial business idea prior to coming to Eindhoven. A selection of these ideas will be worked out during the week and presented on the final day to a venture capitalist committee.

Additional healthcare components to the week will include a lecture introducing Imperial’s School of Public Health’s Global eHealth Unit (GEHU) and projects in which it engages, as well as providing demonstrations of apps that the GEHU has developed.  Another European dimension to the winter school will consist of two presentations on the UK and Dutch healthcare systems, allowing for discussion and comparisons/contrasts.  Students will have substantial time devoted to business case development, with the week providing a nice balance and a European dimension between lectures, guest speakers, a healthcare component, and presentations.  The culminating experience will be for students to present their business case on Friday to a venture capitalist committee (with pitch training earlier in the week), that will provide feedback to each team.  The week will close with a discussion and evaluation of the winter school and ways in which it can be improved for next year.

Contact persons: Laura Gunn (Imperial College London), Marion Matters (TU Eindhoven)


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Co-Funded by the European Union