Events Archive

Experiences of EIT Digital Master School, Doctoral School and Professional Schools

Prof. Maurizio Marchese from the University of Trento is to give a talk at the University Business Forum in San Sebastian, the European Capital of Culture 2016, about the University’s experience of being part of the EIT Digital Academy.

Marchese will participate in the session entitled "University-Business Cooperation and the impact on urban, territorial and regional development" in his capacity of prorector of the University of Trento. He will give a presentation on "How to foster entrepreneurial education for innovative and creative students for regional and European development. As part of his presentation he will outline the EIT Digital educational activities University of Trento is running as an example of best practice of University-Business cooperation. He will focus on the experiences of the EIT Digital Master School, Doctoral School and Professional Schools.

The audience will consist of representatives from higher education institutions, companies, business associations, science and technology transfer organisations, culture entrepreneurship incubators, and public administrations.

The University Business Forum focuses on trans-border university-business cooperation in the Euro-region, under joint strategies of border-region development. In this context, Marchese will highlight how the ‘Basque Country – Nouvelle Aquitaine Euro-region’ provides tangible examples of responsible, durable and fruitful partnerships to promote knowledge and innovation ecosystems involving universities, companies, public administration bodies, and society at large.

This event will take place from 18 - 19 October and is organised by the Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC)- Unit B3 - Innovation in Education, EIT and MSCA of the European Commission and the department of Education, Language policy and Culture of the Basque government.

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