Events Archive

New solutions in the Horizon 2014-2016 for the protection of digital data that meet the needs of security and privacy. 

The top national and international experts together with the stakeholders of the public and private sector will discuss the scenarios for the next biennium regarding the approaches to the security and privacy challenges and the related business opportunities. 

The event is organised by EIT ICT Labs, and COR.COM, on December 11th in Rome at the Congress Centre Rome Events - Fontana di Trevi. 


Cyber attacks and massive collection of data for commercial purposes pose new and complex social, political and economic challenges. State authorities respond to the criminal cyber threats from the online and physical world by strengthening control and monitoring on digital activities of millions of citizens. So now, more and more often, we talk about the need to find a compromise between cyber security and cyber privacy. However, this idea is misleading, because cyber privacy is often a central requirement of cyber security, and because cyber security raises broader questions than surveillance, monitoring and control which require countermeasures that are more fundamental and complex. They are interdependent values, rights and requirements.

In order to protect sensitive data, including industrial secrets, financial data, and personal data, against massive and increasingly sophisticated attacks, there is an urgent need to implement in large scale new techniques and technologies, many of which are already available. These include digital authentication, data privacy and protection against intrusions and malicious software, on one hand, as well as radically more secure, transparent and less complex software and hardware on the other. In fact, this is not just a matter of national security and independence, but the proposed approach constitutes an opportunity to create new jobs that will boost the economy in Italy and in the European Union. These are the key themes for the mission of EIT ICT Labs.

More information and registration on event page.

The event is promoted by the Action Line for Privacy, Security & Trust of EIT ICT Labs. Contact: Jovan Golic, Action Line Leader.

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Co-Funded by the European Union