Events Archive

ICT.OPEN 2013 
The Interface for Dutch ICT-Research

Save the date on: 27 & 28 November
Venue: Van der Valk Congress Hotel Eindhoven

ICT.OPEN 2013 is the principal ICT research conference in the Netherlands. It features two distinguished plenary key notes and invited speakers, as well as many oral and poster presentations. The state of art in ICT research is presented and discussed here. ICT.OPEN is therefore the place to be for all involved in ICT research in the Netherlands.

The ICT.OPEN conference was organised for the first time in 2011 and is nowadays a happening where various research communities come together. This conference is open to researchers from the Netherlands and other countries. ICT.OPEN also welcomes representatives from industry and government to get introduced to the latest insights in ICT research. 

During the conference there will be six tracks: 

1. Big Data

2. Components & Circuits

3. Cyber Security

4. Embedded Systems

5. Intelligent Systems

6. Software Engineering

EIT ICT Labs ‘Innovation & Entrepreneurial Award’
An important part of this event is a poster exhibition where around 130 PhD’s will present their innovative research projects. One of the main goals of EIT ICT Labs is to stimulate and support an entrepreneurial mindset among students, PhDs and researchers in the area of ICT. Therefore EIT ICT Labs will contribute to the event with an 'Innovation & Entrepreneurship Award' for the research project with the best market potential, as demonstrated by the combination of the innovativeness of the concept and entrepreneurial attitude recognised in the project.  

Handshake to High Tech Campus
ICT.OPEN also welcomes representatives from industry and government to get introduced to the latest insights in ICT research.  ‘To bridge the distance’ from the venue to the High Tech Campus, the organisation therefore invites companies located at the High Tech Campus to showcase their mid-term roadmap on ICT innovation. A couple of booths is available at entrance fee on a first come first serve basis. If you are interested contact: Joep van Wijk @:  j.vanwijk@NWO.NL

More information  and registration go to: 

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Co-Funded by the European Union