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On June 3rd EIT ICT Labs Helsinki invites everyone interested in innovation and entrepreneurship to the final of the European contest 'Idea Challenge: Smart Spaces'.

10 teams from across Europe are selected to pitch their ideas to a jury of experts. Winners will not only get up to 40,000€, but also coaching and mentoring from experts of the EIT ICT Labs Business Development Accelerator, plus office space for six months.

The EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge is a European contest for startups & students with innovative ideas around eight topics, including Smart Spaces. The Smart Spaces final pitches and award ceremony are organised at EIT ICT Labs Helsinki Co-location Centre at the Open Innovation House, Aalto University Campus, Otaniementie 19, Espoo.

Come to check new ideas in ICT and Smart Spaces, meet startup teams, industry experts and like-minded people. Find out which innovative idea will get the jackpot. You could be next ;)

The Open Innovation House smart space will be open from 15.00 and the main program followed by the pitching competition will begin at 15.30.

Snacks, coffee and wine will be served throughout the event.



Welcoming refreshments


Opening words: Smart Spaces Action Line Leader Petri Liuha


Keynote speech


Pitches: Avansera, Mapnaut, InPict, Jukeboss, Qgo


Coffee break


Pitches: Lokkup, txtData, Uniqul, Homey, Workplace Environment Analytics


Jury deliberation


Winner announcement & feedback


Closing remarks & Information about other Idea Challenge finals


Dinner, wine & Networking


Pitches 1-5





Avansera (Finland)

Cormac Walsh

Avansera provides advanced real-time consumer behavioral and product performance analytics in retail environments across all chains and geographical locations. Avansera provides the best and most effective marketing platform to communicate prices, availability, offers and product and store information to profiled consumers. Driving hyper targeted marketing with precision.


Mapnaut (Italy)

Damiano Gui

Mapnaut is a mobile app that allows users to create and share bookmarks on physical places (placemarks), and visualise them in a distance-based feed (the spaceline). By creating, commenting and re-saving placemarks, users can join contextual real-time conversations about any location, share media, visualise maps and interact directly with local stakeholders. Finally, there's life on maps.


InPict (Germany)

Dominik Lahmann

InPict is a novel display device that enriches homes and offices with information in a beautiful and non-intrusive way. Accessing dynamic content becomes as simple as viewing a picture in a photo frame.


Jukeboss (Sweden)

Germán Leiva and Carla Griggio

Jukeboss is an entertainment technology for engaging thousands of people all together in an interactive way. We are starting our interactive journey around the concept of music by letting the people vote for the songs that they want to listen.


Qgo (Austria)

Jacob Schröger and Christinne Cuyugan

In order to make our life more practical, every day, we use different kinds of services such as banks to save money or alternative sources of energy to save natural resources; however, we still have not found a solution to save the most important and fleeting aspect in our life – time! If I told you there now exists a system which can save yourself from the hassles of waiting in line, would you like to give it a try?


Pitches 6-10





Lokkupp (Sweden)

Maria Lindström and Torbjörn Nordling

Lokkupp offers privacy preserving indoor positioning, instantly available at any populated venue in the world. The technology is based on groundbreaking research from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Lokkupp offer both a technical platform for indoor localization and end user services for specific verticals. We have the skills and passion to soon bring Lokkupp to a smartphone near you.


txtData (Germany)

Michael Kaisser

txtData's semantic technology automatically analyses text and determines for which locations it is relevant. This is interesting to publishers of content with a local relevance, e.g. city & travel blogs or local news, since it enables distributing their content in new ways, e.g. on a mobile phone via a location-based service app.


Uniqul (Finland)

Oscar Tuutti

Uniqul is an access control system, which uses face recognition to identify users. Uniqul users do not need to use or bring any traditional means of identification, be it cards, mobile devices or passwords – getting access to a service or device will be a matter of just walking up to it.


Homey (Netherlands)

Stefan Witkamp and Emile Nijssen

Homey is speech-controlled home automation. Talk to your home to control everything: from lights to music, from climate to TV. Hear your mails, updates and important information like the weather forecast spoken by your home just when you need it, and let everything be controlled by an intelligent system that listens to your voice.


Workplace Environment Analytics (Finland)

Tomas Novotny

720° advances living through quantified workplaces, helping organisations to maintain healthy and productive indoors. The solution collects and analyses indoor environmental and occupational health data to communicate workplace quality to the occupants while providing the organisations with deeper insights and predictions in real-time



Please register to the event on following link: Registration Link

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Co-Funded by the European Union