Events Archive

You have a great idea and want to turn it into a product? 

You have started your own company but need advise in developing a successful business case? 

You have heard of business modeling and want to learn how to use it in you own projects? 

Join the Ideation and Business Planning Workshop!

What is it?

In the interactive two-day workshop our three coaches will teach you to create new ideas and improve existing ones, explain business modeling and coach you to apply the theory on your projects in small group sessions. 

The workshop will cover the following topics

  • Introducing principles of creativity, innovation and the Design Thinking approach
  • Applying of the theoretical input on ideation to the problem statements, identified by the participants
  • Evaluating and selecting of the most promising ideas
  • Learning about Business Model Elements according to A. Osterwalder
  • Developing of innovative business ideas derived from current research topics
  • Creating rough business models for those ideas
  • Imparting methodical skills in terms of business model generation to participants
  • Introducing a lean startup approach on how to implement ideas

What's more?

Read the full workshop description, objectives, the adressed target group and more on the Software Campus website.

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Co-Funded by the European Union