Events Archive

The kick-off ceremony of the Budapest Doctoral Training Centre will take place at the EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group Co-location Centre on April 26, 2013 at 2 pm. 

After the opening speeches of Prof. Willem Jonker, EIT ICT Labs CEO, and Prof. Zoltán Horváth, director of the Budapest Associate Partner Group, sixteen doctoral students will present their research and I&E proposals for their doctoral studies. 

The Budapest DTC industrial cooperating partners, such as Ericsson Hungary, Nokia Siemens Networks Hungary, Cisco Systems Hungary, Hungarian Telekom and ELTE-Soft will be among the guests. 

The theme of the Budapest Doctoral Training Centre is “Excellence in communication software and system performance”, which is tightly linked to the action lines Networking Solutions for Future Media and Internet Technologies and Architectures. 

The thematic focus is to develop powerful and open new ICT infrastructure, capable of delivering rich data-intensive storage services, at competitive costs, across administrative domains, ensuring quality of service, to end-users in various contexts of use. 

Contact: Balint Fügi, Budapest DTC coordinator

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