On February 8, the Doctoral School is hosting its first meetup with industrial doctorate students and the industry to showcase what is being done and how it is being done. The first meetup is about the topic Digital Cities and is held in Trento in Italy.
Six PhD candidates from all over Europe are presenting the status of their research on Digital Cities. In slots of 30 packed minutes they will present their research and answer questions from the audience. Also, the industry partner Engineering shares his vision on Digital Cities to the audience and EIT Digital will extract its Digital Cities strategy for the next years.
The meetup will be inspiring, educational and above all interesting.
The PhD programmes of the EIT Digital Doctoral School focus since 2016 primarily on industrial doctorates. Within an Industrial Doctorate, PhD students work under academic supervision on research assignments from industry and benefit from continuous tutoring from this industry.
The Trento meetup is the first in a series of industrial doctorates meetups in Europe. Here is an overview of upcoming meetups. Stay tuned for the exact dates and programmes.
- February -Digital Infrastructures focus on Security - Rennes
- March - Digital Infrastructures focus on network - Budapest
- April - Digital Industry - Helsinki
- May Digital Infrastructures focus on data layer - Madrid
- June: Digital Industry - Milan
The meetups are meant for all PhD students in the EIT Digital Doctoral School, industry and partners of EIT Digital. The meetups are open to external participants as well. If you are interested to join the meetup in Trento and learn about what is going on in Digital Cities, please send an email to irene.preti@eitdigital.eu.
EIT Digital | Trento Node
Via Sommarive 18 - Northern building, 1st floor
38123 Povo in Trento