On 29 March, the Doctoral School industrial doctorate students and the industry interact with each other about the content of their research on Digital Infrastructure with a focus on networks. The meetup will be held in Budapest in Hungary. The students explain where their study is about and the other students and the concerned industry get to ask questions.
The entire meetup can be watched from anyplace in the world. There will be a live connection for those who are either invited are have requested one. Also, each presentation will be live broadcasted on the EIT Digital Academy Facebook page.
The meetup will be inspiring, educational and above all interesting. In slots of 30 packed minutes, five PhD students will present their research and answer questions from the audience. The other part of the meetup is reserved for visions on developments in Digital Infrastructures and networks and market trends form speakers from the industry and academic world.
The meetups are meant for all PhD students in the EIT Digital Doctoral School, industry and partners of EIT Digital. The meetups are open to external participants as well. If you are interested to join the meetup in Budapest and learn about what is going on in Digital Infrastructure with the focus on networks, please send an email to Zoltán Istenes.
Save the dates
The Budapest meetup is the third in a series of industrial doctorates meetups in Europe. The next meeting will be in on 26 April In Helsinki. Save also the dates of 29 May and 13 June for the meetups in Madrid and Milan.
The PhD programmes of the EIT Digital Doctoral School focus since 2016 primarily on industrial doctorates. Within an Industrial Doctorate, PhD students work under academic supervision on research assignments from industry and benefit from continuous tutoring from this industry.
EIT Digital Budapest Node | Co-Location Centre
10/a Bogdánfy Street
H-1117 Budapest