Events Archive

Learn more about the Business Accelerator Programme!

EIT ICT Labs Business Developer Paolo Mangni will present EIT ICT Labs activities and Business Acelerator Programme during the Inn@Aqua - Innovation Day in Como Tech Campus on June 5th at 15:00.

Start-ups and innovationve companies will be able to learn about EIT ICT Labs Business initiatives that support innovative companies to scale up their business up to the European level. Business Acceleration Programme is developed to provides end-to-end support from turning research results into successful innovations, stimulating the birth and growth of new and young ventures, support existing SMEs for European growth, enrich large companies with new technologies and innovation coming from research or innovative SMEs.


Auditorium - Ground floor
ComoNExT - Science and Technology Park
Via Cavour, 2 - Lomazzo (CO)

Check full programme of the day!


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Co-Funded by the European Union