EIT Digital will showcase its achievements and share its future perspectives during the Italian Innovation Day, which will be held at the Trento Co-Location Centre on November 29, 2018. The event will include keynotes, panel discussions, innovation demos, match-making sessions with EIT Digital students and opportunities for networking.
“Digital Transformation and the Future of Jobs” is the theme of this year’s edition.
The morning session will feature a keynote talk by Prof.Francesco Profumo, who served as Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research and is currently President of the Bruno Kessler Foundation. His speech will be followed by a high-level panel of experts who will discuss the future of jobs, in the context of the Digital Transformation, and the role of Education in preparing citizens for the new challenges ahead.
Central to the Innovation Day there will be also an Innovation Village where several demos of innovative products and services, stemming from Innovation Activities, as well as startups and scaleups in EIT Digital’s ecosystem, will be showcased. Likewise, match-making sessions between students and businesses looking for suitable candidates will be arranged during the event.
Download Presentations
- EIT Digital: Achievements and Future Outlook by Gian Mario Maggio
- Digital Transformation and the Future of Jobs by Roberto Saracco
- Industrial revolutions, AI and Education by Francesco Profumo
Don’t miss this opportunity to stay at the forefront of the Digital Transformation. Register now!
Register now: EIT Digital - Italian Innovation Day
Thursday November 29th, 2018
Trento Co-Location Centre
Via Sommarive, 18
38123 Trento (Italy)