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Student discussions during OR Seminar

Student discussions during OR Seminar

Juan Manuel Sanchez explaining to other students in the DTC

Juan Manuel Sanchez explaining to other students in the DTC


A ‘Raising Awareness in I&E’ education
Seminar of the EIT Digital Doctoral School

October 20-21, 2016
CLC Madrid, IMDEA Software Institute Building
Campus of Montegancedo, UPM


The objective of this ‘Raising Awareness in I&E’ seminar is to offer to 1st year doctoral students or candidates of the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) of the EIT Digital a fresh view of the way that their doctoral thesis could eventually contribute to the innovation process in Europe.

Main objective is to motivate doctoral candidates to consider the way that the development of their doctoral thesis could benefit from international innovation perspectives framed in a sound entrepreneurial context and how technical and scientific issues could be complemented and enhanced by using other perspectives.

Furthermore, there are several additional topics that will be covered during the Seminar:

  • To know better the EIT Digital goals and instruments
  • To facilitate the understanding of the EIT Digital DS implementation
  • To meet faculty members and registered students to be able to exchange ideas about their theses.
  • To visit UPM facilities located in the Campus of Montegancedo
  • To know representatives of other Spanish companies related to the Spanish CLC


The seminar will be organised as a set of “open” and “closed” sessions to combine the presentation of general information and specific issues concerning the DTC.

Closed sessions will allow registered doctoral candidates in the EIT Digital DTC to understand the logics of the EIT Digital Doctoral School programme and the way that the learning objectives will be evaluated. It also serves to meet faculty members and other doctoral students and to know better the respective areas of interests.

Within these closed sessions, doctoral candidates will have the opportunity to present their ideas and thesis’ objectives and to identify the potential relationships with their peers’ ideas. Emphasis will be put on the way that innovation and entrepreneurship issues could be merged in their doctoral theses.

Open sessions have been designed to allow the participation of other UPM ICT doctoral candidates and EIT Digital Master School students to those invited talks.

The objective is to provide updated insights on the evolution of innovation and entrepreneurship in the ICT domain from academic and industrial perspectives. Special attention will be paid to the European situation.

The seminar will be conducted in a highly interactive way where formal and informal interaction is especially pursued. Then, Q&A time is embedded in the whole programme to ensure that students could solve their doubts and interact with faculties and invited speakers.

Learning outcomes

Main outcome of the seminar is to raise the students’ awareness on the innovation potential of their doctoral research for future ICT products and services.

More specifically, at the end of the seminar, students will have the ability to:

  • Identify the variety of opportunities connected to high-tech entrepreneurship focused on the ICT domain (mainly on the priority themes of EIT Digital)
  • Consider different perspectives on academic entrepreneurship and the way that research results could be moved to the market
  • Characterize a business innovation ecosystem from local to global dimensions
  • Recognize actual business trends like open innovation, industry 4.0, entrepreneurship
  • Know the structure and actors of some highly dynamic European ICT business environments

To facilitate the full understanding of the addressed issues, doctoral candidates should complete a set of pre-assignments on innovation, entrepreneurship and EIT Digital.

Selected pre-assignments:
In order to facilitate the development of the seminar, DTC participants should prepare:

1. A short description (2-3 pages) of the relevance of the “topic” chosen for the doctoral thesis from an innovation and commercial perspective.

It is not the intention to request the development of a market analysis but to give some personal hints about the potential applicability of the thesis results in terms of digital products or services and its potential advantages for addressing users or society needs.

2. 5-6 slides to be presented in the seminar (for 6-8 minutes) to the rest of participants about the interest of the doctoral thesis to generate very innovative products or services

The slides should be oriented towards the applicability and potential avenues for exploitation of the intended results and main differences with respect to other more conventional approaches.
It is not necessary to describe technical aspects in detail because the rest of participants could not be experts in the specific topic of the thesis. Open questions could be also introduced to motivate further discussion.

Pre-assignments must be sent to at least one week before the seminar.


Day 1 (Closed sessions) (October 20)
Only for registered or interested in EIT Digital doctorate program candidates

09:30-10:00 Participant Registration
10:00-10:30 Welcome and opening
Prof. Gonzalo León (Educational Support, EIT Digital, Director Centre for Technology Innovation)
Dr. Susana Eiroa (Madrid DTC Lead, EIT Digital)
10:30-11:15 Doctorate programs in the UPM
Prof. Fernando Calle (Deputy Vice Rector for doctorate studies, UPM)
11:15-11:45Coffee Break and Networking
11:45-12:45 EIT Digital
Dr. Jesús Contreras (Director Madrid CLC EIT Digital)
12:45-13:30 Innovation Ecosystem strategies of European universities
Prof. Gonzalo León (Educational Support, EIT Digital)
13:30-14:30 Lunch and Networking
14:30-16:00 Students’ presentations (i)
Each participant will describe in 5-8 min. the personal expectations and interests topics for the doctoral thesis.
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break and Networking
16:30-17:30 Students’ presentations (ii)
Each participant will describe in 5-8 min. the personal expectations and interest topics for the doctoral thesis.
17:30-18:30Visit to UPM facilities (distributed for interests)
18:30End of 1st Day

Day 2 (Open sessions) (October 21)
Registered or interested in EIT Digital doctorate program candidates, UPM
Doctoral students and EIT Digital MS students

09:30-10:00Participant Registration
10:00-10:45Invited talk: “Digital transformation: a broader inter-cultural view”
10:45-12:00Invited talks: “Evolution of Innovation strategies in the digital sector”
12:00-12:30Coffee Break and Networking
12:30-14:00Round table: “Opportunities in the European context for start-ups”
13:30-14:30Lunch and Networking


The seminar will take place in:
EIT Digital co-location centre
IMDEA Software Institute
Campus Montegancedo
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)

Detailed information on how to reach the IMDEA Software Institute can be found at:


The Seminar is mandatory for the DTC students. The seminar will be conducted in English The seminar will be conducted in English In order to attend the seminar it is necessary to register filling attached form. It has to be sent to the following address:

Registration is binding.

Contact information

Should you have any questions about the event, please send an e-mail to
Prof. Gonzalo León and/or Susana Eiroa

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Co-Funded by the European Union