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Enrolling in EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School gives PhD students the upper hand in their future careers, but also benefits their academic supervisors. A broader network in both academia and industry can result in more applicable results, as well as stronger funding for research.

The strongest argument for professors and academic supervisors to point their PhD students in the direction of the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School is that it is good for them. But there are more compelling arguments than that, according to Christian Queinnec, head of EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School.

”After some years, when the students become doctors and parts of the industry, they will be in a strong position to negotiate contracts with the academia. Then they will probably not have forgotten their professors, or their own Alma mater.”

Strengthen your European research network

EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School can strengthen the advisor’s own connection to other research institutes and universities in Europe and especially other KIC partners. The element of geographical mobility is a fundamental part of the PhD students’ education.

”There is a six month’s exchange period within the education that the students are required to do elsewhere in Europe. This will involve the advisors, and work as an incentive for them, to broaden their network. A good European network makes it easier to apply for research funding from European programs.”

Better understanding of business

EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School offers a better understanding of the industries’ demands on research. The innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) education gives the PhD students a mindset that will rub off onto professors and advisors, according to Christian Queinnec.

”The I&E elements give the PhD students the ability to see their research from a business point of view. It makes them raise the question how their own research results may be useful for the industry. And this insight also influences their professors way of thinking.”

Senior researchers know how to sell their research, but not what the industry is looking for in their research. The innovation and entrepreneurship mindset puts focus on the potential use of the research for further innovation and development.

A potential problem is the long period of time from enrolment to successful result in new businesses or innovations: PhD studies last from 3 to 5 years.

”This makes it even more important to understand the demands of the industry and a to have a broad academic network. In the long term, I am convinced that EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School is a very useful instrument to increase the power of European research.”

Driving force for more PhD grants

Moreover, the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School, as well as the Doctoral Training Centres, will be a driving force for more PhD grants that benefit all partnering universities.

”The EIT label, as well as the critical mass of involved industry and academic institutions, will strengthen the chances for PhD grants. We are bridging the academia and industry in a very potential way.”

A final argument is that there are no strings attached concerning the IP (Intellectual Property): the EIT ICT Labs does not add any constraint on that aspect.

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Co-Funded by the European Union