EIT Digital Stockholm Co-location centre
October 13-15, 2017
Hack ACTIVE! Test our generic IoT platform to ensure its robustness for the emerging IoT market
EIT Digital invites students and startups to the IoTHack Challenge on the EIT Digital ACTIVE IoT platform developed in the three-year High Impact Initiative engaging several leading stakeholders in the European industry, research and academic ecosystem.
The aim is to facilitate for developers to build their applications on an open, generic and robust platform.Join the IoT Hack Challenge and prove the great features of ACTIVE and where there may be room for improvements.
EIT Digital IoTHack Challenge opening weekend 13 - 15 October
If you have an idea of how you could use such a platform you should sign up with a team or on your own and be matched with others at the opening hack challenge weekend 13-15 October. At the EIT Digital Stockholm Co-location Center Kista, Sweden (the Electrum Building) you will first get a more detailed presentation of ACTIVE (Advanced Connectivity platform for vertical segments) by the Digital Infrastructure Action Line Leader Henrik Abramowicz and representatives from Ericsson (Finland) and Engineering (Italy), both EIT Digital Partners participating to the ACTIVE High Impact Initiative.
Somhsree Mukherjee, EIT Digital post-master and project coordinator for the EIT Digital Active IoTHack Challenge said:
”We anticipate a good number of participants. There is no fixed number of ideas for the challenge, rather we hope for as much input as possible. After getting to know each other and the platform on the 13th October, the teams will be welcome to work at the co-location centre and Kista Mentorspace between 10.00-22.00 on Saturday 14th October and use the platform. The Sunday 15th October starts with a great brunch breakfast and then we look forward to team presentations and jury feedback.”
Break ACTIVE platform during seven weeks and get the chance to enhance it further!
After the initial weekend, the teams will work independently with meetings once a week to talk to the ACTIVE team via Skype. By 1 December the teams must hand in their use cases which will give them some time to ”beautify” them before the final pitches on Stockholm Innovation Day 7 December. Henrik Abramowicz said
”Besides smaller cash prizes we hope to get some ideas that can be explored further as we are still in an experimental phase. Next year the platform will continue to be tested within the EIT Digital ACTIVE team in order to be commercialised by the end of 2018. Many existing platforms can only be used for single applications and are not compatible. I think ACTIVE has the potential to make a big difference