Events Archive

Smart Spaces Winter Camp is organises as a designstorm involving PhD and Master students with a background in Ubiquitous Computing and related fields and students with a background in Interior Design.

The participants will work in small groups through fast-paced sessions to produce  and assess several design concepts.

The main objective of the camp is to  develop a truly interdisciplinary approach to Smart Spaces by exposing students from one field to the languages and approaches in the other field. 

The summer school will take place in Trento, November 18-20.

The Summer School is organised by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Politecnico di Milano, University of Helsinki, DFKI, as part of the "Smart Spaces" innovation area of the EIT ICT Labs.



Participation is limited to 12 students from Computer Science and 6  students from  Interior Design.  

There is no registration fees. Accommodation and lunches will be provided by the organization.

Priority will be given to students from EIT ICT Labs partner universities enrolled in a PhD program or actively involved in a Master thesis on the topic.

Candidate participants are required to send a letter of motivation before 18 October 2013.


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Co-Funded by the European Union