Events Archive

Hackathon-in-a-box is searching for the best ideas! Join the innovation contest of EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group at Bratislava!

Is yours the next startup success story?

Would you step into the miracle world of start-ups? Do you have a good idea?

Dare to dream big and go for it! Would you like to realize it but have no partners? Let’s work it out together!

Are you an innovator, programmer, designer, marketing specialist or just a daydreamer? Anyway, this is your place!

Come to our Hackathon co-organised by Hackathon-in-a-box Creative Idea Factory and EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Groupand supported by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava!

We expect early-stage and established start-ups alike! Search for partners, develop your idea, and spend a weekend with us!

Our themes: Cyber-Physical Systems, Future Cloud, Future Networking Solutions, Health & Wellbeing, Privacy, Security & Trust Smart Energy Systems, Smart Spaces, Urban Life and Mobility



12-13 December 2014


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


12 December 2014 (Friday):

  • 12:00 arrival and registration
  • 12:30-18:00 co-creation work followed by a team-building activity

13 December 2014 (Saturday):

  • 10:00 work continues together with well-known mentors and investors
  • 16:30 projects showcase for the jury


Registration is already open, please register on following link:

Apply now! The official language of the competition is English!

You need to bring only your idea and yourself for these two days!

We prepare you to work on your idea in teams, you can taste the startups world and to understand the basics of business mentality. During the co-operative work - with the help of experienced mentors - you can add great business potential to your idea, and the final challenge will be to present it in front of a jury of specialists and investors. Take a trial before having a real elevator pitch at a venture capital!

Any idea is welcome!

You can come up with anything at the contest from inventions, product and service ideas to mobile apps or games. Apply as early as possible, but latest till 12 December 2014. Come, bring your team as well, and let’s work together with the best Hungarian start-up faces on your ideas!

Let’s meet at the Hackathon!

More information available on: and


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Co-Funded by the European Union