Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs' Action Line Health & Wellbeing will kick-off its activities 2014 on 23 January @ the Co-location Centre Eindhoven. The kick-off workshop is for activity leads, activity task leaders and invitees only.


Programme 23 January 2014:

09:00 Welcome and coffee
09:30 Opening and introduction (Jean Gelissen)
10:00 Activity presentations I:
10:00 EIT Health and Wellbeing Business Community
10:15 HWB Cognitive Endurance
10:45 HWB post-master education 

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Activity presentations II:
11:15 HWB Summer School
11:30 Personal health and wellbeing self-management services 
12:00 The Personal Fitness Club

12:30 Lunch break

13:30 New finance / performance: rules and procedures + Q&A
14:00 Performance / progress: reporting systems / procedures + Q&A  
14:30 Activity level breakout sessions

16:00 Coffee break

16:15 Short feedback from breakouts 
16:45 Year calendar
16:55 Q&A / AOB

17:00 End of meeting

Contact: Dorine Hamers

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