Events Archive

The Action Line Cyber-Physical Systems presents a workshop to kick off its 2013 activities and to provide with an opportunity for partners to get involved in the action line's work, particularly with a view to new activities in 2014.
The workshop will take place at Berlin Co-Location Centre,  9.30 - 17.00 CET on Wednesday, 20 February 2013.
The goals of the workshop are
- to present the action line's ongoing and new activities in 2013
- to exchange information about the support offered by the business
 development programme
- to initiate the discussion on the action line strategy and priority themes for 2014


The workshop is open to all KIC partners interested in the work of the
CPS Action Line. However to facilitate organization, registration is
required. To register, please send an email to Holger Pfeifer, Action Line Lead CPS. Registered participants will receive further information about the detailed agenda, and follow-up material after the workshop.


For directions to the Berlin CLC and hotel recommendations, see the CLC's web page.

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