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On October 19th 2011 evening, in the EIT ICT Lab Paris co-location centre, an event was organized around the launch of the new DataStore of Data Publica.

AppStores have changed the eco-system of mobile applications by introducing a new way to distribute and to market them.

DataStores are poised to do the same for Data by providing a new means to deliver data and sell it.

Similar to US pionneers Infochimps, DataMarket and Factual, Data Publica introduces the first European DataStore, giving SMEs access to data.

The event has gathered 60 participants. The main speakers were :

- Gilles Babinet, chairman of the CNN (Conseil National du Numérique) gave a general presentation on open data and the action that the CNN intends to have on this topic.

- François Bancilhon from INRIA and Data Publica gave an overview of the new opportunities and markets of the open data space

- Thomas Dudouet and Christian Frisch from Data Publica presented the new DataStore and the future technology evolution of the platform

- Benjamin Gans, INRIA presented some of the characteristics of public and private data available in France

- Sebastien Lefebvre from the startup Mesagraph demonstrated his work of extracting information from the Twitter flow

- Nicolas Kayser-Bryl from presented an interesting Data Set on the upcoming French presidential election

- Stanislas Boutmy, from Public Evaluation System who presented the methodology used by his company to assign a financial rating to regional bodies (cities, departments and regions).

Learn more about Data Publica: and Data Store

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Co-Funded by the European Union