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The EIT ICT Labs Paris Node together with I3H and FI-Core projects are pleased to announce the FIWARE workshop in Paris dedicated to FIWARE trainers and developers.

FIWARE is an open software platform for the creation of innovative Cloud-based applications and services. It provides both powerful and easy to use modules that allow developers to quickly and cost-effectively build their applications. Development of context-aware applications, which connect to the Internet of Things, carry out real-time processing of data and content, perform BigData analysis or incorporate advanced user interface capabilities has never been so easy, saving developers time and effort. FIWARE components provide APIs that are public and royalty free, supported by open source reference implementations.

The FIWARE funding opportunities

An European initiative called FI PPP (Future Internet Public Private Partnership) has co-funded the development of FIWARE, which now can be used by any ICT actor to build his ICT systems and services. This FIWARE technology consists of software solutions called ’Generic Enablers'. The purpose of the common Enabler Catalogue is to have a homogeneous set of interoperable software elements enabling to accelerate the software development for ICT system developers of any kind.

The Paris FIWARE workshop is a two-day bootcamp which primarily provides training on the main FIWARE Generic Enablers, but gives a basic technical overview to all interested parties on the FIWARE technology. Gain sought-after technical expertise such as managing context information at large scale, adding identity management and access control to your application, connecting to the Internet of Things, enhancing the User Experience of your application (3D, virtual worlds), incorporating Augmented Reality capabilities to your application, real-time media stream processing, context information processing and analysis, data/applications visualization and mashup, monetization of your APIs and datasets or making them available as Open Data.


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Co-Funded by the European Union