Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs sponsored the Green Hackathon in Stockholm in October 2011 and the winner from that succesful event, James Smith from AMEE, has now set up a London weekend that is attracting a lot of participants. The location is the EIT ICT Labs partner University College London.

The weekend is an opportunity for software developers, designers, and others to come together to build something for fun, outside the normal pressures of business, clients, and users. The hackathons are innovation powerhouses, where every idea adds something new.

The themes of the London event are: Built environment, Transparency, Behaviour change, Transport and Visualisation with the following great speakers: Gavin Starks, AMEE, Sarah Krasley, Autodesk, Alastair MacGregor, Trucost, Ogi Kavazovic, Opower, Peter Miller, ITO World,  and Paul Skinner, Wieden+Kennedy.

The presentations at the start and end will be streamed over the web via UStream.
For more information visit the Green Hackathon website and follow via Twitter: #greenhackathon

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