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More than 50 EIT ICT Labs partners’ representatives gathered in Rennes on March 22nd at the EIT ICT Labs CLC to kick-off the Rennes Doctoral Training Center.

The theme is ‘Future Media: ubiquitous delivery and interaction’. It is tightly connected to the EIT ICT Labs ‘Computing in the Cloud’ and ‘Networking Solutions for Future Media’ Action Lines.

The researchers of the Rennes DTC come from three EIT ICT Labs partners. In Rennes  they are 700 researchers in ICT within the IRISA Lab: University Rennes 1, Inria, Institut Mines-Telecom also knowned as Telecom Bretagne. The Rennes DTC is already supported by Orange, Thales, Kereval and the B-Com Institute of Technological Research. 

The Advisory Group members, including Seif Haridi, Computing in the Cloud Action Line leader, and Henrick Abramowicz, NSM Action Line leader as well as Stéphane Amarger, the new Paris Node director, held this first formal meeting since the DTC Rennes has been approved on December 2012. This paves the way for its development at the heart of the local industrial, research and innovation ecosystem.

In the afternoon, two working sessions were dedicated to Cloud Computing and Networking Solutions for Future Media, in the presence of Seif Haridi and Henrik Abramowicz.

More about the DTC Rennes on

Contact: Frederic Renouard, DTC Rennes manager, 

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