Events Archive

We are happy to welcome the first EIT ICT Labs Master School students that will study the first year at KTH in the Stockholm CLC on August 23. 

The faculty staff, academic mentors ,the CLC and Node team wants to give a special information greeting and buffet welcome to our first students. 

Venue: Stockholm CLC, Isafjordsgatan 26, Electrum building, elevator C, floor 3

Date and time: August 23, 15.00-17.00


15:00 Introduction by Konrad Tollmar and Carl Gustaf Jansson, Master School Dir.
15:15 Short introductions by the representatives from the three specialisations - Embedded Systems - Johnny Öberg, Digital Media and Technology - Markus Flierl and Human Computer Interaction & Design - Cristian Bogdan
15:30 Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Terrence Brown
15:45 EIT ICT Labs  Stockholm - Gunnar Landgren and Karoline Beronius
16:15 Industry partners program - Anders Caspar, Ericsson
16:30 Master School Office - Helena Törnqvist, Karin Högström, Nele Stoffels
17:00- Buffet dinner

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