Events Archive

On October 7 the second year ICT Innovation students at KTH will be introduced to the activities and people who work with the action line Future Networking Solutions (FNS).

The goal for this day is to get the master student in ICT a better understanding of the thematic activities in Future Networking Solutions and provide some industrial perspectives towards the students. The aim is to network between industry and academia that lead to internships and master thesis / final degree project work in industry.

Action Line Leader Henrik Abramowicz will start by giving an overview of the research scope that has recently been extended since it merged with the former field of Internet Technologies and Architecture.

For those who are not up-to-date with the Master School programme in ICT Innovation, KTH coordinator Konrad Tollmar will present the tracks, specialisations and modules in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 

Education, Research and Business integration in Stockholm CLC

0900 - 0945 General Overview FNS Henrik Abramowicz
0945 - 1030 Overview Master School year 2 at KTH Konrad Tollmar 
1045 - 1130 Image Processing /Mobile Visual Content Stefan Carlsson
1130 - 1215 Backhaul Solutions Neiva Lindqvist
1215 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1345 Radio/wireless Energy efficiency Cicek Cavdar (5GreeN) 
1345 - 1430 Mobile networking /MMSL Zary Segall /Pietro Lungaro
1430 - 1515 Industry perspectives Ulf Wahlberg
1515 - 1600 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Raoul Stubbe

For more information contact
Henrik Abramowicz, Ericsson Research 
Action Line Leader Future Networking Solutions 

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Co-Funded by the European Union