Events Archive


Innovation Bazaar & Future Forecasting with SMEs

Midnight Sun Workshop, Luleå, Sweden

17-18 June 2013, Luleå University of Technology, LTU


Mediating Presence is an activity within ICT Labs of the European Institute of Technology (EIT), through its innovation area Smart Spaces focusing on

  • Quality of experience in interactive media production and consumption
  • Modular software based on low-cost web technologies (HTML5, WebRTC, WebGL) and tangible computer interaction 
  • Transfer of technology between Karolinska University Hospital (SE) and Princess Maxima Centre for Child Oncology (NL)
  • New innovative products for mediated hospital contexts

 Please registrate here for the workshop. 


Monday 17 june

10-13   Arrivals (12.40 arrival, flight connection from Stockholm)

            Taxi from airport (15-20 mins) to Luleå University of Technology

13-14   Lunch  

14-18   Innovation Bazaar with presentations by SMEs:

            Inspirational input: Mediated hospital scenarios from previous workshop

            Innovative output: New ideas for products and services

18        Bus transport to Brändö conference centre and hotel (24km)

19-21   Evening work session out-of-doors 

Collaborative dinner in work groups who are given a shared task: Future foresighting based on earlier work material produced within the Mediating Presence activity

21-       Midnight sun plenary: reporting back from the groups

Tuesday 18 June

9-11     Continued idea formation based on the interest from SMEs 

11-12   What EIT offers to SMEs: Business catalysts, IPR-issues etc. 

Presentation by EIT ICT Labs representatives. 

12-13   Lunch

13-16   Departures or focused work groups for those who can stay.

All EIT ICT Labs' partners are welcome!

More information from Peter Parnes, and Charlie Gullström

Recommended hotel: 

Preliminary arrangements have been made at Brändön conference centre: please confirm your interest in participating asap. No other local hotel is available as this is a bit outside of the city centre. 

Please note that each EIT task leader books trip and accommodation on his/her own budget.

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Co-Funded by the European Union