Events Archive

Venue: TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands
Dates: 21-23 November, 2012

Dear colleagues,

We want to invite you to our fourth and final workshop within the "Mediating Presence" activity of EIT ICT Labs. After the first workshop that focused on SPACE (Stockholm, March); our second workshop on the concept of TIME (Delft, June), our third on the theme RELATION (Stockholm, September), it is time to address the theme ACTION.

We combine this workshop with a conference, which allows us to reflect on work produced in 2012, to make conclusions, and to prepare next year’s activities within EIT ICT Labs.

To find information about the programme, how to get there, biography of speakers, participants list feel welcome to download the: handout

You can register here
Due to the logistics and catering you are requested to register before Monday 19 November 2012

The number of participants at the workshop is limited. If you have related research interests and would like to contribute, please send an introductory email to us by 10 November and we will let you know if we can offer you a place at the workshop.

Very welcome!

Your Activity Leaders

Dr Charlie Gullström, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Dr Caroline Nevejan, TU Delft


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Co-Funded by the European Union