Events Archive

Mobile Future is an annual event arranged for the twelfth time by the leading publications in the mobile space of the Nordic countries - Mobil and its business spin-off Mobil:Business

The conference held at Kista Science Tower brings together a broad range of topics and areas of expertise  - see full program here

At the Mobile Innovation Alley 2012, there is a chance to connect with entrepreneurs, thought leaders, venture capitalists, operator executives and other industry players in the mobile ecosystem, as well as executives
from other businesses shopping for mobile solutions.

There will be specially invited scouts from international operators looking for interesting companies and solutions.  Exhibiting companies have exclusive access to investors at Big Money Meetup and customers at Customer Meetup.

EIT ICT Labs is a sponsor to the event and are also present in a stand - visit us if you are there and here about the Swedsih startup Telcred who are showcasing their NFC solution at the EIT ICT Labs Stockholm Co-location Centre.

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Co-Funded by the European Union