Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs is an event partner of Mobilise your Business - a one day conference, expo and meetup, all about enhancing your mobile business, especially in the Nordic marketplace or collaborating with Scandinavian actors on an international market.

As mobility is affecting all businesses today the companies with a mobile strategy will have competitive advantages, especially in the seven business critical areas that will be the main topics on November 6th in the NOD building in Kista.

  • Development of products and services with Mobile first approach
  • Internet of Everything: what happens when everything is connected?
  • Marketing and communication with mobile customers
  • Sell to the customers wherever they are
  • Customer service and dialogue
  • The mobile co-worker
  • Wearable technology - beyond smartphones

EIT ICT Labs at the expo of "Mobilise your business"

The event is the largest Nordic mobile business event and attracts CTOs, CIOs, CSOs, Marketing directors, Sales managers and HR managers from e.g. retail, banking, consulting, transportation, healthcare and entertainment; Electrolux, HM, SEB, Swedbank, Scania, Telia Sonera, Facebook etc.

The expo area with 70 companies is the networking opportunity for those who are looking to find ways of reaching new customer segments or enhancing their offers. The following EIT ICT Labs startups are participating and will also have the opportunity to be part of the Big Money meetup with investors specialize in the area of mobile business

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Co-Funded by the European Union