Events Archive

Dates: November 26-27
Venue: Stockholm CLC - see more information about directions, hotels and dining in the area at the Stockholm Co-location pages. 



12.00  Lunch for those who like at CLC - pleas register for catering planning
13.00  Introduction to the WS- Henrik Abramovicz
13.15  TFMC 12 207 Enabling content delivery by transfer of know-how: network management and future hybrid FttH, Neiva Lindqvist ,Ericsson

  • Results achieved
  • KPI fulfillment
  • Lessons learned
  • Planning 2013 where applicable, same template for all activity presentations incl discussion

1400  TFMC 12 180 Smart Content Delivery and Storage in Mobile Networks   with Network Coding; Ming Xiao, KTH
14.45 Coffee
15.15 TFMC 12 162 Mobile Media and Services Labs; Zary Segall KTH
16.00 TFMC 11 863 Cross-linking Visual Information and Internet Resources using Mobile Networks ;  Josef Sivic, Inria
16.45 TFMC 12 116 Event-centric Multimedia content Access Platform; Nicu Sebe, Uni Trento
17.30 TFMC 12 199 Seamless P2P video streaming for the web, Raul Jimenez,KTH
18.15  TFMC 12 186 TFMC Innovation Radar; Kåre Synnes LTU
19.30   Teambuilding and Dinner at restaurant tbd

09.00  General strategy for ANSM, marketing , SIA and preparation of Call text   Henrik Abramovicz
09.45  ICT Labs general, Gunnar Landgren 
10.15  Presentation of Smart Ubiquitous Content, Renato Lo Cigno
10.35  Coffee
11.00  Presentation of Adaptive Streaming Framework, Harry Hyväri
11.20  Presentation of Green 5G Mobile Network, Jens Zander
11.40  Lunch at CLC
12.30  Business talk Raul Stubbe (tbc)
13.30  Planning 2013, WSs, reviews , 
14.30  1st Call text discussion, common carrier discussion for eg. Call 11 in April
15.30  Wrapup

Contact: Action Line Lead Henrik Abramovicz

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