Events Archive

Open Banking and PSD2 in Action (Amsterdam)

Some years after PSD2 European Directive was approved in 2015, finally September 14th 2019 is the deadline to comply with PSD2’s Regulatory Technical Standard, which includes the changes more visible for bank’s customers, after months or years of hard internal work for banks and fintechs to be ready.

PSD2 opens the door to a deep Open Banking model in the European space. Many players in the industry see this as a new opportunity to develop new services and generate additional revenues in the digital age. Others are less optimistic and think that new entrants, many of them external to the European Banking space, will harm its current business models. Finally, a flock of Fintech startups or scale ups is ready to propose different ways to manage their finances to consumers and businesses, some of them collaborating and others bypassing traditional players. What seems clear is that nothing will be like before.

Come to our Digital Finance Networking Event in EIT Digital to discuss with European experts your view about the future that PSD2 and Open Banking are shaping for the European Financial Services Industry.

Date: 3 October, 2019
Time: 16:00 - 20:00 hrs.
Location: CWI (room L016), Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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