An I&E module in Opportunity Recognition is held at the Trento Co-Location Center on May 25-29, 2015.
Professor Arcot Desai Narasimhalu, of the Singapore University Management , during the 5-day course will teach to participant how to identify opportunities and how to translate research and technologies to business innovations. The course will be a blend of interactive seminars, team exercises and group work.
Download the detailed program of the course
Eligibility: enrollment in one of the EIT ICT Labs DTCs or students at the University of Trento within or strongly related to the area of ICT. Participation is limited to 15 participants.
Registration: please send an e-mail to Maria Luisa Carosso by May 12th.
Expenses: visiting student’s expenses (travel, accommodation, etc.) should be covered by the student’s home university.For more information, please contact Maria Luisa Carosso