Events Archive

Designed to give research impact on society

EIT ICT Labs’ partner iMinds will give an Opportunity Recognition Workshop, hosted by EIT ICT Labs’ Co-location Centre Eindhoven on 17, 18, 19 March 2014. 
The  Opportunity Recognition Workshop is specially designed for researchers and scientists who want to give research an impact on society, our economic system and the way people live.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial skills are considered a core competency of top talent: best-in-class researchers combine excellence in research with outstanding entrepreneurial behaviour.  The workshop will broaden your horizon and will help you explore how your research can set the stage for breakthrough innovation in new products and services. When you write an application for new research funding for instance. Or it is key to the competitive position of your employer by increasing its innovation capacity based on results from your research. The workshop guides you through the innovation processes for creating value from your own research and technology.

What is in it for you

The workshop provides a superior learning experience and an efficient scalable learning process. To achieve this the following learning methodologies are combined: use of an e-learning platform, short to-the-point teaching sessions, coaching by experienced domain experts, peer learning and peer review. During the workshop theory will be combined with hands-on coaching, the latter receiving most attention. Create impact and innovation through solid research and set the stage for new products and services.

Personalised Approach

Learn how to use and apply innovation techniques and methodologies on your own currently running research project. In your own work environment. This personalised approach is a unique feature of the Opportunity and Recognition Workshop. 

Develop your entrepreneurial and business skills and learn how to look at your work from different angles:
> the business view
> its potential societal impact
> the value you create for people 

The workshop programme: 3 phases

Phase 1: A preparation using the virtual learning platform 
A virtual learning platform has been designed to prepare the workshop. The virtual learning platform will contain the necessary course material and the task that has to be made upfront. Participants will receive a login prior the start of the workshop. Describe your research work in layman’s terms. 

Phase 2. Create economic value from research
Introduction to value creation and problem identification methodologies based on the lean startup methodology throughout teaching sessions combined with hands-on coaching and peer learning. 

Phase 3: Get started in your own environment
Get insight in the resources, the processes and the tools that are needed to capture the value that is created by your research. What is needed to turn your research into a viable product or service. 

Practicalities Opportunity Recognition Workshop

• Date: 17, 18, 19 March 2014
• Venue: EIT ICT Labs, High Tech Campus 69, 5656 AG Eindhoven
• Cost: € 850,- per participant (including Meet&Greet Dinner, Lunches, Coffee breaks and refreshments)
• 7 seats are already taken by researchers of Holst Centre
• 8 seats are open for researchers coming from EIT ICT Labs’ partners and the Universiteit Hasselt (BE)

Give your research impact on society. Set the stage for breakthrough innovation in new products and services through the Recognition Opportunity Workshop: REGISTER before 23 February! 

For more information contact: 
Koen Vriesacker, Business Developer & Accelerator - EIT ICT Labs 
Telephone +32 479 710 651    


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Co-Funded by the European Union