Events Archive

November 20, 2017

2017 Startup Nations Summit

November 14, 2017

EIT Digital exhibiting at Smart City Expo World Congress

November 13, 2017

EIT Digital and European partners to showcase their impactful digital wellbeing solutions at MEDICA

November 8, 2017

EIT Digital Accelerator to organise Pan-European cybersecurity matchmaking event in Spain

November 8, 2017

Roundtable: 'Why bet on public research?' - Willem Jonker and French Tech actors

October 19, 2017

New Directions In Cyber Security Conference 2017

October 17, 2017

EIT Digital London to host a roundtable on “Building cities of the future” with San Diego Trade Mission

October 17, 2017

Follow INNOVEIT 2017 streamings on October 16th and 17th

October 15, 2017

Join ACTIVE IoTHack Challenge - break it and improve it

October 10, 2017

PIMRC 2017 workshop: Internet of Things, the Road Ahead: Applications, Challenges, and Solutions

September 25, 2017

Two weeks' intense course GROWTH and HARVEST

September 21, 2017

#FDDAY 2017: EIT Digital participates for the first time to France Digitale Day

September 18, 2017

SEC2SV 2017 - Europe and America closer than ever through digital innovation

August 30, 2017

Join EIT Digital Finland lunch talk: “From NASA and ESA to Deep Space!”

June 28, 2017

Net Futures 2017 - Internet, the economy and society in 2027

June 20, 2017

Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Researchers in ICT

June 12, 2017

EIT Digital Open House Demo Day (London Tech Week)

June 1, 2017

Connecting Industry 4.0 at Pioneers, Vienna

May 16, 2017

EIT Digital forerunner IoT Scaleups and Innovation Activities on display at IOTHINGS Milan

May 10, 2017

CUBE Tech Fair: EIT Digital Accelerator scaleups showcase innovations

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Co-Funded by the European Union